Greg's music and playing style is pretty intimidating right ? But what if I tell you it's not as hard as you think ? I studied Greg's style for more than a decade and was his private student for many years. Signing up on this page will directly deliver a 10-page ARPEGGIO GUIDE in your mailbox and release a 3-part MASTERCLASS in the week that follows (not shown anywhere else) on what I call "Greg Howe essentials" (for free !). 6 weeks after signing up you'll also receive my weekly NEWSLETTER where I share the tabs of my Youtube lessons and other Greg Howe / fusion related playing tips. Here's a promise : you'll learn more in a a few weeks than in any year of your entire guitar playing career and you'll be playing your first Greg Howe fusion lines in just a few days time. Sign up and let's get to work here ! Tommy

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